good human Reasons for Kindness - Things You Can Do to be Kind to Others

The Nature of Kindness – Things You Can Do to be Kind to Others

What do good human do? – Be Kind. Why do we need kindness for self ?

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle we know nothing about, Each of us have a story and many comes with pain, hurt and anguish. Being empathetic at all times and mindful of the unknown and unsaid circumstances. 

Be kind to others not because of who they are, but because of who you are. doesn’t matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat others tells all. Integrity is everything.  Kindness is free to give but is priceless for the recipient.

Good or bad are relative terms. You may be good for someone and bad for others. You may be bad for masses but good for one but you still may be correct and later masses may follow you. One shall exercise good human behavior. That will make you be remembered, however, you don’t ask for then. Just be good human being and stick to ethics.

What are the things you can do to grow your kindness?

Can I Help You?
Open Your Eyes
Switch It Up
Don’t Beat Yourself Up
Forgive & Forget
Face Yourself
Kill Them With Kindness
Walk a Mile In Their Shoes
Go Big or Go Home
Pay It Forward
Wear a Smile
Dive Deep

No matter how high or low, rich or poor, from the greatest to the least, we truly are all going through battles, challenges, and trials. God is saying “will you trust me to take care of yours and go and help others”. If we will stop being like the Dead Sea and be a river flowing outward towards others watch and see what God will do. The seeds we sow is the harvest we will reap.

Be kind, you maybe the only light one sees in a day… Every Lamp has darkness at it’s base… So light up another Lamp. Both will remove each other’s darkness… Hence We have to compliment and complete each other.. Being kind doesn’t cost anything, rather it always pays back – may take a little longer, Be kind and hopeful, there might be something big reserved for you . Everything happens with a cause – a noble cause.

Life is Hard but We have to Stop Running

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People’s bad behavior shouldn’t be shielded behind any ‘battles’ being fought – kindness should be a core value in our character – no doubt. ‘Excuses’ used to shield from bad behaviors shouldn’t become norms, We never know what difficulties the person in front of us is going through. Our small gesture of kindness can have a big impact.

Sharing is always caring. Do whatever you can do to add value in someone’s life, It’s very hard for someone managing people to show how hard they are fighting for battles outside work. you never know what people are going through and what they have to deal with on a daily basis. In being kind you are arming them for the next battle and teaching them how to disarm their enemies

We all have a battle or battles we are fighting and at times we happen to be sensitive and emotional when the right mixture is combined, which could be explosive. I have fallen short on that myself with others, I will admit it. Not that I was not being kind, just focused on the moment versus being kind and taking a moment to help, listen, or talk with the person to find out why or how I could possibly make them feel better.

Employing this mindset is part of being kind to one another, not just the friendly ‘Hi’ and smile when passing by, especially, if you notice something is not ok (I am speaking mostly about people you work with, know, or associate with; however, can be applied to the everyday person). We can be better, not just for ourselves, but for others.

We don’t know the inner struggles everyone has. The demons they are dealing with in their lives. Doing one act of kindness might be the highlight of someone’s day today. There are so many things hidden, untold, not shareable in a person. So look on those things first of a person. If can’t make someone happy, at least don’t hurt them. Kindness is virtue.

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Kindness is like the rain in an arid land. Even a smile or a tap on the shoulder can make a Positive Difference in the lives of persons. Be ye kind one to another. – “If you meet someone whose soul is not aligned with yours, send them love and move along.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer. Kindness is jewel of anyone’s behavior. so many people fight untold wars with an invisible enemy, Soft words to them will or would go along way settling their mind


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